I understand my child’s or my legal charge’s participation in the adventure activities at Pacifica: A Garden in the Siskiyous (hereinafter referred to as Pacifica) is based on the philosophy of “challenge by choice.” Challenge by Choice means that participation in any activity is purely voluntary; each person or minor should pick the level of adventure they wish to participate in. I am aware that the activities (ceramics, woodworking, ropes course, games, hiking, kayaking, and general indoor and outdoor activity) I or my dependent will participate in at Pacifica entail risk.
I am aware that this event or activity entails the risk of injury to myself or my dependent, to spectators, and to third parties. I expressly agree, covenant, and promise to accept and assume all responsibility and risk or any damage to myself, my dependents, or my property arising from our participation in activities at Pacifica. I decide to allow my child/dependent to participate in these activities in spite of the stated risks.
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I have read the assumption of risk statement and fully understand there are certain elements of risk inherent in ropes/challenge courses, ceramics studios, woodworking, and other indoor and outdoor activities which are beyond the control of the instructors, staff, agents, officers, and employees of Pacifica and participating in ropes/challenges course, ceramics studios, woodworking, and other indoor and outdoor activities entails unavoidable risks.
In consideration of Pacifica furnishing services to enable myself or my dependent to participate in the ropes/challenge course and outdoor activities, I hereby assume all risk to myself or my dependent or damage to property arising out of participation in this activity, including hazards associated with any defect in a manufacturer’s product. I hereby specifically and voluntarily release Pacifica from any and all liability, including negligence (active or passive), demands, or actions as to any right of action or claim to relief which may accrue to me as a result of participation on the ropes/challenge course, ceramics studios, woodworking, and other indoor or outdoor activities.
I further agree, promise, and covenant to hold harmless and indemnify Pacifica from all litigation costs, including attorney fees, or from any costs incurred in connection with claims for bodily injury or property damage which I may negligently or intentionally cause to spectators or third parties in the course of my participation.
I further understand Pacifica carries no medical insurance for the protection of participants in indoor or outdoor recreation activities and any insurance coverage existing with respect to Pacifica shall not alter the terms of this waiver nor impose any liability on Pacifica.
I understand and acknowledge that by signing this release I have agreed not to assert legal claims, which I might otherwise possibly assert to maintain against Pacifica, based on my or my dependent’s participation in an activity. I also understand and acknowledge that by signing this release I assume full responsibility and legal liability for the claims or other legal demands, including litigation costs, which may be asserted by a spectator or other third parties against me as a result of my or my dependent’s participation.